Lyons Law Firm in Nashua, New Hampshire works exclusively in debt collections and debt recovery. Our only job is to help individuals and businesses pursue their debtors to recover payments and debts owed. What sets us apart from other debt collectors is our persistence and over 25 years of experience in debt collections. Attorneys throughout New Hampshire and Massachusetts refer their collection cases directly to Lyons Law because they know just how effective we are at recovering debt from other parties.

We work diligently to recover outstanding payments and debts owed, but we also seek to create realistic payment plans for debtors to ensure that payments will be received in full. A big part of our job is understanding debtor’s financial situations, as they most likely have other outstanding balances and bills. We never expect to receive complete debt payments within the first week, this is why we negotiate and implement a payment plan that is agreed upon by both parties.
Unfortunately, some accounts may have bit off a little more than they can chew. As a business owner you’d like to retain each and every customer, which is why we conduct ourselves in a professional, fair and respectful manner. Diplomacy goes a long way in debt collections, hence why we treat both parties with the utmost respect.
Lyons Law Firm works exclusively in debt collections and serves New Hampshire & Massachusetts. Are you looking for debt collections on dormant accounts or outstanding balances? Call us at 603-759-3917 to get started.